Class Chest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Chest extends Kit
Represents a Chest class
  • Constructor Details

    • Chest

      public Chest(String type, int x_index, int y_index)
      Constructs a new Chest object with the specified attributes.
      type - the type of the chest
      x_index - the x-coordinate of the chest's position
      y_index - the y-coordinate of the chest's position
  • Method Details

    • isMimicGenerate

      public static boolean isMimicGenerate()
      Determines whether a mimic should be generated.
      true if a mimic should be generated, false otherwise
    • whatsInside

      public static boolean whatsInside()
      Determines what is inside a container.
      true if the container contains a sword, false if it contains a shield