Class Human

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Human extends Champion
Represents a Human player in the simulation. Extends the Champion class.
  • Constructor Details

    • Human

      public Human(String type, int level, int maxhp, int hp, int strength, int range, int luck, boolean move, boolean has_shield, boolean has_sword, int x_index, int y_index, boolean regeneration)
      Constructs a Human object with the specified attributes.
      type - the type of the Human
      level - the level of the Human
      maxhp - the maximum hit points of the Human
      hp - the current hit points of the Human
      strength - the strength of the Human
      range - the attack range of the Human
      luck - the luck factor of the Human
      move - indicates if the Human can move
      has_shield - indicates if the Human has a shield
      has_sword - indicates if the Human has a sword
      x_index - the x index position of the Human
      y_index - the y index position of the Human
      regeneration - indicates if the Human has regeneration ability
  • Method Details

    • kill

      public static String kill(String Opponent)
      Simulates the act of killing an opponent.
      Opponent - the name of the opponent being killed
      a string indicating that the Human killed the opponent
    • pickUp

      public static String pickUp(String Kit)
      Simulates the act of picking up a kit.
      Kit - the name of the kit being picked up
      a string indicating that the Human picked up the kit