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- getHp() - Method in interface
Returns the current hit points (HP) of the entity.
- getHp() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the current hit points of the Champion.
- getLevel() - Method in interface
Returns the level of the entity.
- getLevel() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the level of the Champion.
- getLuck() - Method in interface
Returns the luck value of the entity.
- getLuck() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the luck factor of the Champion.
- getLvl() - Method in interface
Returns the level of the entity.
- getMap() - Method in class
Get the map of champions.
- getMaxHp() - Method in interface
Returns the maximum hit points (HP) of the entity.
- getMaxHp() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the maximum hit points of the Champion.
- getMove() - Method in interface
Returns the movement state of the entity.
- getMove() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the move status of the Champion.
- getRange() - Method in interface
Returns the attack range of the entity.
- getRange() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the attack range of the Champion.
- getRegeneration() - Method in interface
Returns the availability of regeneration for the entity.
- getRegeneration() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Returns the status of the champion's regeneration.
- getShield() - Method in interface
Returns the availability of a shield for the entity.
- getShield() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Returns the status of the champion's shield.
- getStrength() - Method in interface
Returns the strength of the entity.
- getStrength() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the strength of the Champion.
- getSword() - Method in interface
Returns the availability of a sword for the entity.
- getSword() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the availability of a sword for the Champion.
- getType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the entity.
- getType() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the type of the Champion.
- getX_index() - Method in interface
Returns the x-coordinate index of the entity.
- getX_index() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the x index position of the Champion.
- getY_index() - Method in interface
Returns the y-coordinate index of the entity.
- getY_index() - Method in class me.simulation.players.Champion
Retrieves the y index position of the Champion.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages